Latest Marijuana News

June 13, 2024

The landscape of marijuana legislation and research is rapidly evolving. This report synthesizes the latest developments in marijuana legalization, federal reclassification efforts, and emerging research findings. The information is drawn from various recent sources to provide a comprehensive overview.

State-Level Legalization Efforts

Several states are making significant strides toward marijuana legalization:

  • Upcoming Ballot Measures: Nebraska, Florida, and South Dakota will ask voters this fall whether to legalize some marijuana use. This could potentially increase the number of states where marijuana is legal for either recreational or medical use.
  • Current Legal Status: As of now, 38 states and the District of Columbia allow the medical use of cannabis products, and 24 states plus the District of Columbia allow adults to use it recreationally.
  • Recent Legalizations: Last year, Ohio voters approved a ballot measure to legalize recreational marijuana, while lawmakers in Delaware and Minnesota passed similar legislation.

Federal Reclassification and Legislative Efforts

The Biden administration and Congress are actively working on changing federal marijuana policies:

  • Reclassification Plans: The Biden administration plans to reclassify marijuana from a Schedule I drug to a Schedule III drug, which would ease restrictions and open the door for more research and pharmaceutical involvement.
  • Legislative Support: Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer and other Senate Democrats have reintroduced a bill to remove marijuana from the list of federal controlled substances. This bill aims to expunge federal marijuana-related convictions and establish a Cannabis Justice Office within the U.S. Justice Department.

Economic and Social Impacts

The economic and social implications of marijuana legalization are significant:

  • Tax Revenue: States have generated over $20 billion in marijuana tax revenue since the first markets opened.
  • Social Equity: Pennsylvania lawmakers are pushing for marijuana legalization with an emphasis on social equity, aiming to address the disproportionate impact of past marijuana laws on communities of color.
  • Banking Protections: The Secure and Fair Enforcement Regulation (SAFER) Banking Act is advancing in the U.S. Senate, which would provide safe harbor to financial institutions wishing to service the cannabis industry.

Research and Health Findings

Recent studies have highlighted various health benefits and risks associated with marijuana use:

  • Medical Benefits: Studies have found that marijuana terpenes are as effective as morphine for pain relief with fewer side effects, and CBD is effective in treating anxiety, depression, and poor sleep.
  • Health Risks: Long-term marijuana use has been associated with temporary paranoia, hallucinations, and issues with breathing similar to those experienced by tobacco smokers.

The marijuana landscape in the United States is undergoing significant changes at both state and federal levels. With upcoming ballot measures, federal reclassification efforts, and ongoing research, the future of marijuana legalization and its societal impacts are poised for substantial evolution.



  • Stateline: “3 more states could see marijuana legalization on November ballots”
  • Marijuana Moment: “All your cannabis news, in one place”
  • NBC News: “Biden administration plans to reclassify marijuana, easing restrictions nationwide”
  • PBS NewsHour: “As the U.S. moves to reclassify marijuana as less dangerous, could more states legalize it?”
  • Missouri Independent: “U.S. Senate Dems launch renewed push for full marijuana legalization”
  • CBS News: “Maps show states where weed is legal for recreational, medical use in 2024”
  • Cannabis Business Times: “Federal Cannabis Legalization and Reform: Where Are We in 2024?”
  • USA Today: “Biden administration plans big change to marijuana rules”
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