Research Report: Chances of Legalization with Kamala Harris as the Nominee

August 28, 2024

The nomination of Kamala Harris as the Democratic presidential candidate has sparked significant discussion regarding the future of marijuana legalization in the United States. This report synthesizes key points from various sources to evaluate the potential impact of Harris’s candidacy on marijuana reform.

Kamala Harris’s Stance on Marijuana

Kamala Harris has shown a significant evolution in her stance on marijuana over the years. Initially, she opposed a 2010 measure to legalize marijuana in California but has since become a strong advocate for marijuana reform. As a U.S. Senator, she introduced legislation to decriminalize and tax marijuana federally and supported reclassifying cannabis as a less dangerous drug. Harris has also championed the Biden administration’s efforts to offer pardons for Americans convicted of federal marijuana possession.

Kamala Harris

Political Support and Legislative Prospects

Several Democratic senators and representatives have expressed confidence that Harris would support and sign marijuana reform bills if elected president. Sen. Jeff Merkley and Sen. Ron Wyden believe that Harris’s presence in the White House would encourage more states to take action on cannabis legalization. Rep. Hank Johnson and Sen. Tim Kaine also anticipate that Harris would be on the right side of public opinion regarding cannabis legalization or decriminalization.

Moreover, Harris’s running mate, Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz, has a strong record of supporting cannabis reform, having signed a comprehensive legalization bill into law in 2023. This partnership further strengthens the prospects for marijuana reform under a Harris administration.

Investor Confidence and Market Reactions

The cannabis market has reacted positively to the speculation of Harris’s nomination. Investors are optimistic that Harris will continue the current administration’s commitment to reschedule and decriminalize cannabis. This optimism is based on Harris’s history of advocating for decriminalization and introducing related legislation.

Voter Turnout and Electoral Impact

Harris’s candidacy is expected to energize key voter demographics, including young and Black voters, which could significantly impact the outcome of marijuana legalization measures on state ballots. In Florida, for example, increased turnout among these demographics could help pass a recreational marijuana legalization amendment. Additionally, Harris’s strong advocacy for women’s reproductive rights is likely to mobilize voters who support progressive causes, including marijuana reform.

Kamala Harris

Challenges and Criticisms

Despite the positive outlook, there are challenges and criticisms to consider. Some critics argue that Harris’s shift on marijuana policy is driven more by political calculations than genuine support for legalization. Additionally, while Harris has a more defined position on cannabis issues, her prosecutorial record on marijuana has been a point of contention among critics, including former President Trump.


The chances of marijuana legalization appear promising with Kamala Harris as the Democratic nominee. Her evolved stance on marijuana, combined with strong political support and positive market reactions, suggests that significant progress could be made under her administration. However, the success of these efforts will depend on voter turnout and overcoming criticisms of her past record. Overall, Harris’s candidacy represents a potential turning point for marijuana reform in the United States.

Kamala Harris
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